Friday, November 19, 2010

Your grandson called to say that he left his white shirt for church here at the house.  Tomorrow's the Youth Cultural Program in Laie.  They just got back from their final dress rehersal before tomorrow's performance and he calls NOW to say that he left his shirt here.  Do you see what time it is?  That kid!  Oh well, I better head on out cause it's late and I don't want him to be up any later than he needs to be.  Tomorrow's going to be a busy day.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sometimes I wonder if you're looking down on me?  I can almost hear you say, "I'll pray for you."  I hope you are, because I've been lacking in prayers.  It would be so easy to just . . . but that would be so heartbreaking for you and mom.  I know.  I'll try to be better.  I promise.